Ethan Miller Projects
This is an app that I custom-built for use while playing Sundial Games' Quest Calendar. It is built using Flutter, hosted by Firebase with a Firebase Authentication and a Firestore database to manage a user's character. Created a full CI/CD pipeline into Github using Github Workflows that builds the app, runs unit tests on the Flutter app, and then deploys when everything is successful. Also built the same workflow into a pull request that deploys and hosts a temp URL for personal QA testing. Currently, only use on your phone, it has not been optimized for computer screens.
This repo is a conversion of the Mapbox Polylabel into C#. Just liked the idea so I converted it. It was also implemented into a project for TrimbleMaps.
Built using Flutter and deployed using Github with hosting by Firebase. This was built to learn Flutter and is mostly just following along Vandad Nahavandipoor's YouTube course.